{ description = "A flake demonstrating how to build OCaml projects with Dune"; # Flake dependency specification # # To update all flake inputs: # # $ nix flake update --commit-lockfile # # To update individual flake inputs: # # $ nix flake lock --update-input ... --commit-lockfile # inputs = { # Convenience functions for writing flakes flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; # Precisely filter files copied to the nix store nix-filter.url = "github:numtide/nix-filter"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, nix-filter }: # Construct an output set that supports a number of default systems flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let # Legacy packages that have not been converted to flakes legacyPackages = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; # OCaml packages available on nixpkgs ocamlPackages = legacyPackages.ocamlPackages; # Library functions from nixpkgs lib = legacyPackages.lib; # Filtered sources (prevents unecessary rebuilds) sources = { ocaml = nix-filter.lib { root = ./.; include = [ ".ocamlformat" "dune-project" (nix-filter.lib.inDirectory "bin") (nix-filter.lib.inDirectory "lib") (nix-filter.lib.inDirectory "test") ]; }; nix = nix-filter.lib { root = ./.; include = [ (nix-filter.lib.matchExt "nix") ]; }; }; in { # Exposed packages that can be built or run with `nix build` or # `nix run` respectively: # # $ nix build .# # $ nix run .# -- # packages = { # The package that will be built or run by default. For example: # # $ nix build # $ nix run -- # default = self.packages.${system}.aoc2022; aoc2022 = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage { pname = "aoc2022"; version = "0.1.0"; duneVersion = "3"; src = sources.ocaml; strictDeps = true; preBuild = '' dune build aoc2022.opam ''; }; }; # Flake checks # # $ nix flake check # checks = { # Run tests for the `aoc2022` package aoc2022 = let # Patches calls to dune commands to produce log-friendly output # when using `nix ... --print-build-log`. Ideally there would be # support for one or more of the following: # # In Dune: # # - have workspace-specific dune configuration files # # In NixPkgs: # # - allow dune flags to be set in in `ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage` # - alter `ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage` to use `--display=short` # - alter `ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage` to allow `--config-file=FILE` to be set patchDuneCommand = let subcmds = [ "build" "test" "runtest" "install" ]; in lib.replaceStrings (lib.lists.map (subcmd: "dune ${subcmd}") subcmds) (lib.lists.map (subcmd: "dune ${subcmd} --display=short") subcmds); in self.packages.${system}.aoc2022.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { name = "check-${oldAttrs.name}"; doCheck = true; buildPhase = patchDuneCommand oldAttrs.buildPhase; checkPhase = patchDuneCommand oldAttrs.checkPhase; # skip installation (this will be tested in the `aoc2022-app` check) installPhase = "touch $out"; }); # Check Dune and OCaml formatting dune-fmt = legacyPackages.runCommand "check-dune-fmt" { nativeBuildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.dune_3 ocamlPackages.ocaml legacyPackages.ocamlformat ]; } '' echo "checking dune and ocaml formatting" dune build \ --display=short \ --no-print-directory \ --root="${sources.ocaml}" \ --build-dir="$(pwd)/_build" \ @fmt touch $out ''; # Check documentation generation dune-doc = legacyPackages.runCommand "check-dune-doc" { ODOC_WARN_ERROR = "true"; nativeBuildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.dune_3 ocamlPackages.ocaml ocamlPackages.odoc ]; } '' echo "checking ocaml documentation" dune build \ --display=short \ --no-print-directory \ --root="${sources.ocaml}" \ --build-dir="$(pwd)/_build" \ @doc touch $out ''; # Check Nix formatting nixpkgs-fmt = legacyPackages.runCommand "check-nixpkgs-fmt" { nativeBuildInputs = [ legacyPackages.nixpkgs-fmt ]; } '' echo "checking nix formatting" nixpkgs-fmt --check ${sources.nix} touch $out ''; }; # Development shells # # $ nix develop .# # $ nix develop .# --command dune build @test # # [Direnv](https://direnv.net/) is recommended for automatically loading # development environments in your shell. For example: # # $ echo "use flake" > .envrc && direnv allow # $ dune build @test # devShells = { default = legacyPackages.mkShell { # Development tools packages = [ # Source file formatting legacyPackages.nixpkgs-fmt legacyPackages.ocamlformat # For `dune build --watch ...` legacyPackages.fswatch # For `dune build @doc` ocamlPackages.odoc # OCaml editor support ocamlPackages.ocaml-lsp # Nicely formatted types on hover ocamlPackages.ocamlformat-rpc-lib # Fancy REPL thing ocamlPackages.utop ocamlPackages.core ocamlPackages.angstrom ]; # Tools from packages inputsFrom = [ self.packages.${system}.aoc2022 ]; }; }; }); }