#!/usr/bin/env python # This script keeps track of active keyboard layouts per window. # # This script requires i3ipc-python package (install it from a system package # manager or pip). # # https://github.com/swaywm/sway/pull/4504/files import i3ipc sway = i3ipc.Connection() prev_focused = sway.get_tree().find_focused().id windows = {} def on_window_focus(ipc, event): global windows, prev_focused # Save current layouts layouts = {input.identifier: input.xkb_active_layout_index for input in sway.get_inputs()} windows[prev_focused] = layouts # Restore layout of the newly focused window if event.container.id in windows: for (input_id, layout_index) in windows[event.container.id].items(): if layout_index != layouts[input_id]: sway.command(f'input "{input_id}" xkb_switch_layout {layout_index}') prev_focused = event.container.id def on_window_close(ipc, event): global windows if event.container.id in windows: del(windows[event.container.id]) def on_window(ipc, event): if event.change == "focus": on_window_focus(ipc, event) elif event.change == "close": on_window_close(ipc, event) sway.on("window", on_window) sway.main()