require('oil').setup({ default_file_explorer = true, -- Id is automatically added at the beginning, and name at the end -- See :help oil-columns columns = { "icon", -- "permissions", -- "size", -- "mtime", }, -- Buffer-local options to use for oil buffers buf_options = { buflisted = false, bufhidden = "hide", }, -- Window-local options to use for oil buffers win_options = { wrap = false, signcolumn = "no", cursorcolumn = false, foldcolumn = "0", spell = false, list = false, conceallevel = 3, concealcursor = "nvic", }, -- Send deleted files to the trash instead of permanently deleting them (:help oil-trash) delete_to_trash = false, -- Skip the confirmation popup for simple operations skip_confirm_for_simple_edits = false, -- Change this to customize the command used when deleting to trash trash_command = "trash-put", -- Selecting a new/moved/renamed file or directory will prompt you to save changes first prompt_save_on_select_new_entry = true, -- Keymaps in oil buffer. Can be any value that `vim.keymap.set` accepts OR a table of keymap -- options with a `callback` (e.g. { callback = function() ... end, desc = "", nowait = true }) -- Additionally, if it is a string that matches "actions.", -- it will use the mapping at require("oil.actions"). -- Set to `false` to remove a keymap -- See :help oil-actions for a list of all available actions keymaps = { ["g?"] = "actions.show_help", [""] = "", [""] = "actions.select_vsplit", [""] = "actions.select_split", [""] = "actions.select_tab", [""] = "actions.preview", [""] = "actions.close", [""] = "actions.refresh", ["-"] = "actions.parent", ["_"] = "actions.open_cwd", ["`"] = "", ["~"] = "actions.tcd", ["gs"] = "actions.change_sort", ["gx"] = "actions.open_external", ["g."] = "actions.toggle_hidden", }, -- Set to false to disable all of the above keymaps use_default_keymaps = true, view_options = { -- Show files and directories that start with "." show_hidden = false, -- This function defines what is considered a "hidden" file is_hidden_file = function(name, bufnr) return vim.startswith(name, ".") end, -- This function defines what will never be shown, even when `show_hidden` is set is_always_hidden = function(name, bufnr) return false end, sort = { -- sort order can be "asc" or "desc" -- see :help oil-columns to see which columns are sortable { "type", "asc" }, { "name", "asc" }, }, }, -- Configuration for the floating window in oil.open_float float = { -- Padding around the floating window padding = 2, max_width = 0, max_height = 0, border = "rounded", win_options = { winblend = 0, }, -- This is the config that will be passed to nvim_open_win. -- Change values here to customize the layout override = function(conf) return conf end, }, -- Configuration for the actions floating preview window preview = { -- Width dimensions can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%) -- min_width and max_width can be a single value or a list of mixed integer/float types. -- max_width = {100, 0.8} means "the lesser of 100 columns or 80% of total" max_width = 0.9, -- min_width = {40, 0.4} means "the greater of 40 columns or 40% of total" min_width = { 40, 0.4 }, -- optionally define an integer/float for the exact width of the preview window width = nil, -- Height dimensions can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%) -- min_height and max_height can be a single value or a list of mixed integer/float types. -- max_height = {80, 0.9} means "the lesser of 80 columns or 90% of total" max_height = 0.9, -- min_height = {5, 0.1} means "the greater of 5 columns or 10% of total" min_height = { 5, 0.1 }, -- optionally define an integer/float for the exact height of the preview window height = nil, border = "rounded", win_options = { winblend = 0, }, }, -- Configuration for the floating progress window progress = { max_width = 0.9, min_width = { 40, 0.4 }, width = nil, max_height = { 10, 0.9 }, min_height = { 5, 0.1 }, height = nil, border = "rounded", minimized_border = "none", win_options = { winblend = 0, }, }, })