.. post:: 2019.09.11 :tags: howto,scaleway,hosting,password :category: hosting :author: vladan :location: Belgrade ========================================== Reset root password on a scaleway instance ========================================== `These are the supported boot options `_ on Scaleway, managed through instance tags. The serial console doesn't work with Firefox, but works fine with Chromium. .. important:: Use boot script for this, not local boot. Navigate to Instances -> [Your Instance] -> Advanced Settings. Make sure only ``INITRD_POST_SHELL=1`` is present in tags. Reboot the instance. You'll get a shell with the rootfs volume of the VM you're restoring the password mounted in ``/newroot``, e.g: .. code-block:: bash chroot /newroot passwd root Exit the chroot shell and the post initrd shell, the boot process will continue, loading the updated rootfs.