39 lines
1,019 B
39 lines
1,019 B
" git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
" :VundleInstall
filetype off
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
" NERDTree config
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
let NERDTreeHighlightCursorLine=1
let NERDTreeMouseMode=2
let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.pyc$', '\.jp?g$', '\.gif$', '\.png$', '\~$', '\.o', '\.log']
" Scala config
Plugin 'derekwyatt/vim-scala'
let g:scala_scaladoc_indent = 1
Plugin 'elmcast/elm-vim'
Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plugin 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
" Async Lint Engine
Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
let g:ale_linters = {}
let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
let g:ale_sign_error = "✗"
let g:ale_sign_warning = "⚠"
" Rust linting options
let g:ale_rust_cargo_use_clippy = 1 " installed with `rustup component add clippy-preview`
let g:rustfmt_autosave = 1 " installed with `rustup component add rustfmt`
call vundle#end()