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2024-01-13 13:17:01 +01:00
(* hamming - 2.3.0 *)
open Base
open OUnit2
open Hamming
let printer = function
| Error m -> "Error \"" ^ m ^ "\""
| Ok x -> "Ok " ^ (Int.to_string x)
let ae exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal ~printer exp got
let dna_of_string s =
let f = function
| 'A' -> A
| 'C' -> C
| 'G' -> G
| 'T' -> T
| _ -> failwith "Big news! New nucleotide discovered" in
String.to_list s |> List.map ~f
let hamdist a b = hamming_distance (dna_of_string a) (dna_of_string b)
let tests = [
"empty strands" >::
ae (Ok 0) (hamdist "" "");
"single letter identical strands" >::
ae (Ok 0) (hamdist "A" "A");
"single letter different strands" >::
ae (Ok 1) (hamdist "G" "T");
"long identical strands" >::
"long different strands" >::
ae (Ok 9) (hamdist "GGACGGATTCTG" "AGGACGGATTCT");
"disallow first strand longer" >::
ae (Error "left and right strands must be of equal length") (hamdist "AATG" "AAA");
"disallow second strand longer" >::
ae (Error "left and right strands must be of equal length") (hamdist "ATA" "AGTG");
"disallow left empty strand" >::
ae (Error "left strand must not be empty") (hamdist "" "G");
"disallow right empty strand" >::
ae (Error "right strand must not be empty") (hamdist "G" "");
let () =
run_test_tt_main ("hamming tests" >::: tests)