361 lines
7 KiB
361 lines
7 KiB
ref: x13-gen1-sway-desktop-36
name: x13-gen1-sway-desktop-36
summary: "Thinkpad X13 Gen 1 Sway Desktop - Fedora 36"
license: MIT
automatic_version_prefix: "36"
mutate-os-release: "36"
- fedora-36
- fedora-36-updates
- rpmfusion-free-36
- rpmfusion-free-updates-36
- copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:dawid:better_fonts
- copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:alebastr:sway-extras
selinux: true
documentation: true
boot-location: modules
- wheel
tmp-is-dir: true
postprocess-script: post.sh
- root
- root
type: file
filename: passwd
type: file
filename: group
default_target: graphical.target
- lvm2
- rpm-ostree
# Container management
- buildah
- podman
- skopeo
- toolbox
# Flatpak support
- flatpak
- xdg-desktop-portal
- glibc-devel
- kernel-devel
- elfutils-libelf-devel
- fedora-repos-ostree
- fedora-repos-archive
# boot / hardware / drivers
- efibootmgr
- fwupd
- libva-intel-driver
- libva-intel-hybrid-driver
- mcelog
- microcode_ctl
- thermald
- thinkfan
# base system
- biosdevname
- coreutils-common
- dbus-daemon
- device-mapper-multipath
- nvme-cli
- rng-tools
# diagnostic / utils
- htop
- iotop
- lm_sensors
- lshw
- net-tools
- nmap-ncat
- powertop
- wireshark
# alternative modern rust apps
- bat
- ripgrep
# networking
- bridge-utils
- dhcpcd
- iwd
- NetworkManager
- network-manager-applet
- NetworkManager-bluetooth
- NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora
- NetworkManager-wifi
- NetworkManager-wwan
# shell tools and development
- alacritty
- autoconf
- automake
- ctags
- emacs
- gettext-devel
- git
- intltool
- ipython3
- libtool
- make
- neovim
- patchutils
- squashfs-tools
- strace
- systemd-container
- vim-enhanced
- w3m
- zram-generator
# fonts
- adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts
- bitstream-vera-fonts-all
- dejavu-sans-fonts
- dejavu-sans-mono-fonts
- dejavu-serif-fonts
- fontawesome-fonts
- fontawesome-fonts-web
- fontconfig
- fontconfig-enhanced-defaults
- fontconfig-font-replacements
- google-noto-emoji-color-fonts
- google-noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts
- google-noto-sans-sinhala-vf-fonts
- khmer-os-system-fonts
- langpacks-core-font-en
- liberation-mono-fonts
- liberation-sans-fonts
- liberation-serif-fonts
- lohit-assamese-fonts
- lohit-bengali-fonts
- lohit-devanagari-fonts
- lohit-gujarati-fonts
- lohit-kannada-fonts
- lohit-odia-fonts
- lohit-tamil-fonts
- lohit-telugu-fonts
- open-sans-fonts
- paktype-naskh-basic-fonts
- sil-abyssinica-fonts
- sil-mingzat-fonts
- sil-nuosu-fonts
- sil-padauk-fonts
- smc-meera-fonts
- terminus-fonts
- thai-scalable-waree-fonts
- ucs-miscfixed-opentype-fonts
- urw-base35-bookman-fonts
- urw-base35-c059-fonts
- urw-base35-d050000l-fonts
- urw-base35-fonts
- urw-base35-fonts-common
- urw-base35-gothic-fonts
- urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts
- urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts
- urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts
- urw-base35-p052-fonts
- urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts
- urw-base35-z003-fonts
# audio / video
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
- ffmpeg
- gstreamer1-libav
- gvfs-mtp
- libavdevice
- libva
- libva-utils
- pavucontrol
- pulseaudio-utils
# misc
- feh
- okular
# sway / wayland desktop
- brightnessctl
- cage
- greetd
- greetd-gtkgreet
- grim
- i3status-rs
- kanshi
- mako
- pinentry-qt
- slurp
- sway
- swayidle
- swaylock
- waybar
- wayland-devel
- wdisplays
- wl-clipboard
- wofi
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
# virtualization
- libguestfs-tools
- libvirt-daemon-config-network
- libvirt-daemon-kvm
- python-libguestfs
- qemu-img
- qemu-kvm
- qemu-system-x86-core
- qemu-ui-sdl
- virt-install
- virt-manager
- virt-top
- virt-viewer
# comps-sync
- abattis-cantarell-fonts
- acl
- alsa-sof-firmware
- alsa-ucm
- alsa-utils
- attr
- audit
- b43-fwcutter
- b43-openfwwf
- basesystem
- bash
- bash-completion
- bc
- bind-utils
- bzip2
- colord
- compsize
- coreutils
- cpio
- cryptsetup
- curl
- dhcp-client
- dnsmasq
- e2fsprogs
- ethtool
- exfatprogs
- fedora-repos-modular
- file
- filesystem
- firefox
- firewalld
- glibc
- glibc-all-langpacks
- glx-utils
- gnupg2
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free
- gstreamer1-plugins-good
- gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free
- hostname
- hunspell
- ibus-anthy
- ibus-gtk3
- ibus-hangul
- ibus-libpinyin
- ibus-libzhuyin
- ibus-m17n
- ibus-typing-booster
- iproute
- iptables-nft
- iptstate
- iputils
- iwl7260-firmware
- jomolhari-fonts
- kbd
- kernel
- kernel-modules-extra
- less
- libertas-sd8686-firmware
- libertas-sd8787-firmware
- libertas-usb8388-firmware
- linux-firmware
- logrotate
- lsof
- man-db
- man-pages
- mdadm
- mesa-dri-drivers
- mesa-vulkan-drivers
- mlocate
- mtr
- nfs-utils
- nss-altfiles
- nss-mdns
- opensc
- openssh-clients
- openssh-server
- pam_afs_session
- passwd
- passwdqc
- pciutils
- pinfo
- pipewire-alsa
- pipewire-gstreamer
- pipewire-pulseaudio
- pipewire-utils
- plymouth
- plymouth-system-theme
- policycoreutils
- policycoreutils-python-utils
- procps-ng
- psmisc
- qemu-guest-agent
- qt5-qtbase
- qt5-qtbase-gui
- qt5-qtdeclarative
- qt5-qtxmlpatterns
- quota
- rootfiles
- rpm
- rsync
- selinux-policy-targeted
- setup
- shadow-utils
- sos
- spice-vdagent
- sssd
- sssd-common
- sssd-kcm
- stix-fonts
- sudo
- systemd
- systemd-oomd-defaults
- systemd-resolved
- systemd-udev
- tar
- time
- tree
- unzip
- uresourced
- usb_modeswitch
- usbutils
- util-linux
- wget
- which
- wireplumber
- words
- wpa_supplicant
- zip
- zram-generator-defaults
# Make sure the following are not pulled in when Recommended by other packages
- PackageKit
# We can not include openh264. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenH264
- gstreamer1-plugin-openh264
- mozilla-openh264
- openh264
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
- ["config/systemd/mako.service", "/etc/systemd/user/mako.service"]
- ["config/systemd/nm-applet.service", "/etc/systemd/user/nm-applet.service"]
- ["config/systemd/swayidle.service", "/etc/systemd/user/swayidle.service"]
- ["config/systemd/swaylock.service", "/etc/systemd/user/swaylock.service"]
- ["config/systemd/sway-session.target", "/etc/systemd/user/sway-session.target"]
- ["config/systemd/wayland-session.target", "/etc/systemd/user/wayland-session.target"]
- ["config/sway-service.desktop", "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway-service.desktop"]
- ["config/modprobe.d/i2c_i801-blacklist.conf", "/etc/modprobe.d/i2c_i801-blacklist.conf"]
- ["config/environment.d/wayland.conf", "/etc/environment.d/wayland.conf"]
- ["config/greetd/config.toml", "/etc/greetd/config.toml"]
- ["config/greetd/environments", "/etc/greetd/environments"]