Highlight: disable lsp, fix rust and whitespace
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 37 additions and 18 deletions
@ -100,26 +100,27 @@ require("catppuccin").setup({
DiagnosticUnnecessary = { link = "" },
["@conceal.checked"] = { fg = colors.teal },
["@none"] = { link = "Normal" },
["@field"] = { fg = colors.blue },
["@comment.todo"] = { fg = colors.lavender },
["@property"] = { fg = colors.blue },
["@variable.member"] = { fg = colors.blue },
["@variable.parameter"] = { fg = colors.sky },
["@parameter"] = { fg = colors.sky },
["@comment.note"] = { link = "@comment.hint" },
["@lsp.type.annotation"] = { fg = colors.yellow },
["@lsp.type.modifier.java"] = { link = "@type.qualifier" },
["@lsp.mod.builtin"] = { fg = colors.maroon },
["@lsp.mod.readonly.python"] = { link = "Constant" },
["@lsp.mod.documentation"] = { bold = true, fg = colors.mauve },
["@lsp.type.keyword"] = { fg = colors.mauve },
--["@conceal.checked"] = { fg = colors.teal },
--["@none"] = { link = "Normal" },
--["@field"] = { fg = colors.blue },
--["@comment.todo"] = { fg = colors.lavender },
--["@property"] = { fg = colors.blue },
--["@variable.member"] = { fg = colors.blue },
--["@variable.parameter"] = { fg = colors.sky },
--["@parameter"] = { fg = colors.sky },
--["@comment.note"] = { link = "@comment.hint" },
--["@lsp.type.annotation"] = { fg = colors.darkyellow },
--["@lsp.type.modifier.java"] = { link = "@type.qualifier" },
--["@lsp.mod.builtin"] = { fg = colors.maroon },
--["@lsp.mod.readonly.python"] = { link = "Constant" },
--["@lsp.mod.documentation"] = { bold = true, fg = colors.mauve },
--["@lsp.type.keyword"] = { fg = colors.mauve },
latte = function(colors)
return {
["@lsp.type.keyword"] = { fg = colors.lavender },
-- ["@lsp.type.keyword"] = { fg = colors.darkyellow },
Comment = { fg = colors.blue },
Conditional = { fg = colors.darkyellow },
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ require("catppuccin").setup({
Function = { fg = colors.cyan },
Identifier = { fg = colors.green },
Include = { fg = colors.pink },
Keyword = { fg = colors.cyan },
Keyword = { fg = colors.darkyellow },
Operator = { fg = colors.darkyellow },
Parameter = { fg = colors.sky },
Special = { fg = colors.flamingo },
@ -136,6 +137,10 @@ require("catppuccin").setup({
String = { fg = colors.red },
Structure = { fg = colors.green },
WhitespaceError = { fg = colors.base, bg = colors.red },
Type = { fg = colors.cyan },
StorageClass = { fg = colors.green },
--Macro = { fg = colors.magenta },
--Define = { fg = colors.magenta },
@ -168,6 +173,7 @@ require("catppuccin").setup({
mantle = "#eeeeee",
crust = "#dddddd",
cyan = "#0EB1A2",
magenta = "#FF00FF",
background = {
@ -28,12 +28,25 @@ vim.opt.background = 'light'
vim.opt.exrc = true
vim.opt.secure = true
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('InsertEnter', {
callback = function()
vim.cmd.hi('clear RedundantSpaces')
pattern = '*',
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({'InsertLeave', 'BufEnter'}, {
callback = function()
vim.cmd.hi('RedundantSpaces ctermbg=red guibg=red')
pattern = '*',
set noautoread
autocmd CursorHold * checktime
autocmd TextYankPost * lua vim.highlight.on_yank {on_visual = false}
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.bu,*.yml.example,*.yaml.example set filetype=yaml
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.ign set filetype=json
match Error /\s\+$/
match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$/
let g:airline_theme='papercolor'
Add table
Reference in a new issue