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==================== Website checker demo ==================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: CHWEB is a website checking tool. It sends HTTP requests to sites with the intent to check their status / availibility, and if the ``regex`` param is specified, it runs it against the response body. The retreived status check is sent to a Kafka topic. When read by the consumer, the status check is written in a PostgreSQL database. ATM in its very early stages meant to demo `aiven <>`_'s platform, using their `kafka <>`_ and `postgresql <>`_ services. Quickstart with docker-compose ============================== The services can be run with docker-compose. You'd need to change the values of ``KAFKA_SERVERS``, ``POSTGRES_HOST`` and ``POSTGRES_PASS`` in order for the configuration to be properly applied. Also, you'd need to download the kafka certificates and put them in the folder you're running docker-composer from and create the PostgreSQL cert by copying it from aivens console and saving it to ``pgcert.pem``. After all this is done, simply run:: docker-compose up Config file =========== There's an example config file in the top-level dir of the repository, named ``config.yaml`` that you can use as a reference. Some explanation on the main sections are listed below. Sites ----- .. highlight:: yaml You can specify the sites you want checked in the yaml config file. They are stored in the ``sites`` key and are represented as a list of objects with ``url`` and ``check_interval`` as mandatory fields, and regex as an optional field that can freely omitted which checks the body of the response against the regex expression:: - url: "" regex: "domain" # a regex matching the body of the response check_interval: 5 - url: "" regex: "aaaaaaaa" # a regex not matching the body of the response check_interval: 8 - url: "" check_interval: 13 Logging configuration --------------------- The ``logging`` section must be present. A simple example of a console logger as seen in ``config.yaml``:: logging: version: 1 formatters: standard: format: "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" error: format: "%(levelname)s <PID %(process)d:%(processName)s> %(name)s.%(funcName)s(): %(message)s" handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler level: DEBUG formatter: standard stream: ext://sys.stdout root: level: DEBUG handlers: [console] propogate: yes Postgres -------- Postgres settings with aivens certs, passwords, etc. You'll get them once you setup the postgres service on My postgres section in the config looks like this:: postgres: dbhost: "" dbport: 23700 dbname: "defaultdb" dbuser: "avnadmin" dbpass: "" dbcert: "./certs/pg.pem" * ``dbhost`` and ``dbport``, ``dbuser`` and ``dbpass`` are straightforward. * ``defaultdb`` is the database present by default, when the service is created. You can create another database if it rocks your boat. * ``dbcert`` is the cert which opens in a modal popup in the console. You need to copy it manually to a file on a path you later state in the config. Kafka ----- Kafka is also a service easily provisioned through aivens console. After it's set up you get a config section similar to this one:: kafka: servers: - "" topic: "sitestats" cafile: "./certs/ca.pem" cert: "./certs/service.cert" key: "./certs/service.key" passwd: "" * ``servers`` is a list because that's how the library is initialized, which makes sense if you have multiple brokers. * ``topic`` is the kafka topic messages are sent to. You need to define it in aivens console as well. * ``cafile``, ``cert`` and ``key`` are the ssl certificates you get when aivens kafka service is ready. * ``password`` is not needed afaik, but you can give it a go.